Pipe line details such as Line Number, Line Size, Insulation, Tracing, Fluid Code, Operating and Design pressure and temperatures, Pressure Testing method such as hydrotest or pneumatic, Test pressure, Piping material class, Inch Dia etc.Project details such as client name, engineering office name, project name, project number, process licensor etc.Title bar section at the bottom consists of following information. Whether shop material or field material.It includes following information for all components : Section on left or right side of drawing consists of B ill of Material Section for the portion of line shown in isometric graphic. Main Graphic section consist of Isometric Representation of a pipe line route in 3D space, which includes following information : Piping isometric drawing consists of three sections. Piping fabrication work is based on isometric drawings. It is the most important deliverable of piping engineering department. Pipe size – Given pipe size is 2″ and 1″.Piping Isometric drawing is an isometric representation of single pipe line in a plant.Refering to the above Iso drawing, lets go through the item one by one: Let’s use the isometric below as an example An example of a pipe fabrication isometric drawing

There are a few information that can be derived from an isometric drawing. Isometrics drawing is also the most important drawings for installation contractors during the field portion of the project. It is often used by designers prior to a stress analysis and used by draftsmen to produce shop fabrication spool drawings. Piping isometrics are generally produced from orthographic drawings and essential to design and manufacturing phase of a very complex or large piping systems. Vertical pipe lengths are calculated using elevations, while horizontal lengths are calculated using north-south and east-west coordinates.

Pipe lengths are measured using coordinates and elevations. Therefore, dimensions are required to specify exact lengths of piping runs. The isometric drawing is oriented on the grid relative to the north arrow found on plan drawings and not drawn to scale. Piping isometrics are usually drawn on a pre-printed paper, with lines of equilateral triangles form of 60°. Symbols like fittings, Valves and flanges are modified to adapt to the isometric grid. The Isometrics drawing are created from information found on a plan and elevation views. In a piping isometrics drawing, pipe is drawn according to it’s length, width and depth, and often shown in a single view.