You place different facilities on the Avenger to fit your needs, balancing research, manufacturing, and training while juggling increasingly limited resources.

The ship may fly, but you still need to dig out places to work it's loaded with mysterious alien goop that you have to clear out, just like the dirt you needed to excavate with the underground base. The ship is the Avenger, and it replaces the underground base you built in Enemy Unknown. Smaller Scale, Higher Stakes The premise is dystopian, and the XCOM group you command has shrunk from a globally supported anti-alien task force into a ragtag resistance group based on a repurposed alien cargo ship. I played a few missions of the game at a preview event earlier this year. The aliens won years ago in XCOM 2, and it's time to fight back. Firaxis' latest, PC-only, turn-based strategy game builds on the tense tactical planning and long-term development of soldiers from the first game and adds some stealth, new tricks, and narrative desperation.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown (and its expansion, Enemy Within) took a classic PC strategy series and made it modern, tasking you with saving the world from mysterious invaders with turn-based tactics and stolen alien technology.