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Trollbo is based on Sascha Lobo, a german journalist, blogger and internet retard Jürgen Ziege is based on Jörg Zierke, head of the german Federal Police BKA. wiki /Ursula_von_der_Leyen Til Geiger is based on Til Schweiger, a german actor but not very appreciated among the germans Mauss is based on Jörg Thauss a former member of the german parlament who had cp on his computer (for reasearch he claimed) He has a history with krautchan and betrayed Bernd for some money. Maja Grünzeug is based on Mara Groenstege (aka Mara Green), a Dutch girl that all pedos love. Was and remains very famous on many pedo and normal chans (there were lots of boards dedicated to her, but Dutch police took most of them down, but /mara/ on infinite is still up). Her father, Martin, was fighting all the pedos hard. Laura Belanova is based on a really popular among pedophiles Candydoll model, Laura B.

Bernd and the mystery of unteralterbach english mega download